Definitely not Esoteric

I don’t have words in me.

What I mean is that I’m not sure I have anything of value to say since it has been a very mundane week of work and school projects. However, I will attempt to start a nice stream of consciousness to see if anything comes of it. Plus, I really would like to keep up this nice roll I’m on with blogging.

As I said, work has been very mundane. I have quite a few items on the go, and I seem to be picking up more every day. I’m like a wet candy rolling on a dusty floor. It’s keeping me busy, but I’m doing a fantastic job at pacing myself (read: procrastinating).

Wednesday I went to an online leadership conference. It was a nice diversion, but it was fluffy as can be. I want strategies and techniques to improve myself, get my foot in the door, and make myself a viable option if an opportunity ever arises. Instead, it was all rainbows, lollipops, and how to shine your optimistic light on the world and show everyone what a good employee should look like. It was full of unproven frameworks made up in the minds of bored overpaid executives with too much time to think and not enough hands on work. It was things like:”Synergy plus motivation equals destiny.” Bleh!

School is, well, school. This eHealth evaluation course is so condensed that the second a project ends, a new one begins. We’re now working on a presentation where we design a research project to evaluate an eHealth application and defend it to the class. It’s not super exciting, but I do feel like I’m learning a lot.

I got a beautiful smudge kit from Amazon. It came with sage smudge sticks, an abalone shell with sand as a holder for the burning stick, and a stand for the shell to go on. I did a little smudging ritual last night, and it felt great.

Of course, this was followed by nightmares of demons entering my space and tormenting me. Oh dear.

Well, that’s enough procrastination for one day. Time to hit the databases!

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